Thursday, 9 April 2015

2015 April PAD Challenge - Day Nine - Work

Today's prompt for the Writer's Digest April 2015 Poem A Day Challenge   is work.


If we ever meet
Don’t ask me what I do

Potential employers have gazed at my schizophrenic C.V. with one eyebrow arched
But what they won’t see
is that I’ve tried the 9 to 5 in gloomy London
and ended up interviewing my colleagues about their dreams

Flew half away around the world because of love and ended up with heart break

Ran away to the ocean to play videographer at a Shark Cage Diving company for the sum total of One.Whole.Day (A Great White Ate My Camera)

I’ve seen that the rich can’t buy happiness while singing Happy Birthday Dressed As Snow White For A One Year Old’s Birthday

Heard the woes of the lonely, the ignored and the outraged at 3am on late night radio

I felt insane playing a cheetah for Chinese tourists at an African convention as they posed and took photos

I’ve listened to the stories of what it’s like to be Jewish and Irish in Dublin

And made sure that the drunk Dutch Rock ‘n Rollers could sit up straight for their interviews

I’ve helped clear the clutter in people’s homes while they told me all their secrets

And I still don’t have a Degree

So If we ever meet
Don’t ask me what I do

Like it’s supposed to mean something

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